Test the Full Set for 10 Minutes and then it will self delete and disapear....
* A Hud That allows you to wear Gloves or Not...
* A lovely Pair of MID Mesh Heels
(Maitreya,Ocacin,Slink, and Voluptuous)
* a Prim skirt in our famous Jellyfish Style...
* A formal Ballgown that spins in a delicious way..
* A prim skirt in a cute Lacy Partygirl Style.
(Cute and Girly and that perfect semi formal skirt to dance the night away...)
* A Mesh Long Skirt..
( for those Super Elegant nights where you want something sleek and exotic...
Golden medalion coins tinkle around your waist...
a LOnggggggggggg Elegant MESH... Skirt that cascades down your legs and puddles in a pool of red and golden swirls around your feet...)in 5 sizes..
* Classic Layers...for The Classic Avatar ladies..
*BOM Baked On Mesh Layers....
Almost everything is included for Countless Looks...
***************HUD DIRECTIONS**********
(This Hud is for Maitreya and Omega Compatible Appliers.)
Click the glove button and the red button beside that and then choose the layers where you would like it to apply....
( I noticed with Maitreya I had to clear all layers and make sure the gloves button was clicked on my Maitreya Hud this is why I made a cleaner.. I hate pulling up my Hud to keep cleaning off applier layers)
Whats the Big Black button.. Well That My Dears is if you had Lola's..
Okay so how do I apply the Dress...
Well simply click the girl for Maitreya and on the far right the Omega button for any other Omega Compatible Mesh.
Choose Where You want to Apply..
- classic layers
- multiple sizes
- Omega Compatible Maitreya,Belezza
- MID size shoes for