13 Light interaction script package
Copy, modify, transfer
- Particle text vertical:
We have a text that comes up, on line 1, you can write your text.
- fireworks fire star
Realistic fireworks particles.
- Glow Script on-off
We put the sl script in a prim, we touch it and we can make it glow or remove it by touching it.
- Change automatic color
When putting the script in a prim, it will automatically change its color-
- Variable color light
Variable light that changes to all colors.
- Intermittent color prim white and black
Place a cube on the ground and give it white, throw the script and the cube will constantly change from white to black.
-Font water up
Small drops of water upwards.
Water up and to the side
-Yellow star
small yellow star particles
- fireworks green star
Small green particles in the shape of a star cotton that come out from time to time
-avatar locator
When introducing the script in a prim. This will take out some particles that will follow us everywhere.
- portal
Door-shaped particles and rays going up.
-expanding fire
Fire particles that appear in discontinuous mode every second