over 1500 scripts for builders, creators, scriptors, and resellers.
Most complete scrip collection on SL
Bad Execution
Cant use any of the scripts since they are packaged active. When rezzed the object becomes no copy and blocks all modification so scripts cannot be copied to inventory. If they fixed this problem it could have some useful stuff. But i wouldnt know. I never got that far. Dont buy it until they fix it. Waste of L$. As for if it has a virus, just dont accept the attempt to take L$, pretty sure it just has a vendor scripts but i cannot say, so do not use this until its fixed.
contain virus to hack linden
Don;t buy it it's false advertisement it tries to steal your L from you when you rez the packages, contain virus to hack linden when u rez
Works fine
Really usefull stuff in here, and no it doesnt steal your linden it only contains some scripts that need PERM_DEBIT and they are save so dont freak out!
Thanks Anal (lol)
Don;t buy it it's false advertisement it tries to steal your L from you when you rez the packages