1956 pickup custom
0 Reviews
1956 pickup custom
custom wheels
detaile4d 2x4bbl engine
seats 2 people
smooth styling
it is a extremely great looking truck
tale a friend for a ride
music player inside
All the prims are MOD
Mesh car
color5 hud on body and wheels
Detailed Interior
Has the "look and feel" of the real one
Music Player
DRIFTS - hold down Shift key while turning
customizable plate - put you pic in
Adjustable seating
Functioning light system
Opening doors, hood
People in the car (Driver + 1 passenger
BURNOUT/REV by hud (included with instructions)
Burnout smoke
The handling is fully adjustable via menu
It's a blast to drive and it's priced right
You are really going to "like" this one
- ACSv7 scripts + driver hud
- opening doors,hood,trunk
- Color hud,windows go dowm
- adjustable seating,working lights
- custom plate,seats 2 people