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[1A] - Cyberpunk Coonley Bedroom

[1A] - Cyberpunk Coonley Bedroom

Wood comes in 5 Colors: Birch, Oak, Chestnut, Walnut and Black.

Bed has 8 custom sleeping animations.

Blankets can be in 4 different states. Made , Folded Down, Sleeping alone, Sleeping with Two people.

Choose from 18 different blanket and sheet colors.

Bed = 2 LI (Can not be linked to other objects)

Side Tables = 0.5 LI (Can be linked to other objects)

Dresser + Clutter = 1 LI (Can be linked to other objects)

Important Information for Mesh Products:

A scripted object may show up as No Modify in inventory even though the object is modifiable when rezzed.

Changing the size of a mesh object will (sometimes drastically) increase it’s Land Impact. Be careful when trying to drastically resize a mesh product.

Changing a mesh object's physics shape may also modify it’s land impact. Because of this, it is advised not to modify the Physics Shape on our products. We have optimized them for the best Land Impact possible.

  • Wood comes in 5 Colors: Birch, Oak, Chestnut, Walnut and Black.
  • Bed has 8 custom sleeping animations.
  • Blankets can be in 4 different states. Made , Folded Down, Sleeping alone, Slee
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Excellent value for money
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 10, 2019 by Minako Yoshiyuki

If you're looking for a cyberpunk themed bed and bedside tables, look no further, this is quality at a decent price and great anims to boot.

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A lovely little bedroom set for the price!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 24, 2018 by ZoeyFloof

The set comes with the primary bed, the two end tables, and the dresser. The end tables are matched to the bed, and mirrored versions of each other. the dresser comes with removable picture frames and a neat little box atop it. The bed itself is an automatic win in my book, because it's one of very few beds I've found in SL that allow for you to curl up under the covers. The sheets themselves were made for medium/small avatars, so if your character is much bigger than 6 feet tall or particularly bulky, you may need to upsize the bed for it to work well.

There aren't any couples animations in the bed, so don't expect it to be snuggle time. There's room for two, though, so you can at least sleep close to someone under the blankets.

As with literally every other item in the Cyberpunk line, the LI of every piece is singularly impressive in just how low it is, the material maps look wonderful, and it has a wonderfully 1980's upscale sci-fi feel to it.

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