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2 LI "Low Lag Wasteland Plants Fields in 6 Views" any plant texture (mod, copy) Version 1.2

2 LI "Low Lag Wasteland Plants Fields in 6 Views" any plant texture (mod, copy)

- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
- ANY regular texture compatible.

Thank you for attentive reading description and policies of using.

Package includes:
- 5 (copy/modify/NO transfer) wasteland fields, size 28 x 28;
- 1 (copy/modify/NO transfer) wasteland field, size 56 x 56;
- read me and personal license.

Inside package 6 different textured 1* prim sculpt prims fields using regular plant texture applying.

This made in theme of wasteland, to cover enough big empty surfaces.
Textures are LOW resolution, this may not satisfy you, I am not creator of them, but I think it works nice in couple with low lag sculpt object like fields are to increase SL performance comparing to simple sculpt fields. Item is modify you can apply ANY other plant texture you have or buy in market on it, no need any special, although I give no warranty any plant will suit yours visual taste. is only depends on plant texture.

*Every object is only 1 prim, but takes 2 prims from yours land, that is why it names 2 LI. (2 land impact official name by LL). 2 LI is cost of making it absolutely out of any alpha issues, bleeding intersection, see through etc. And what is best in it. It is 2.5 times easier to render for video cards comparing with simple 1 prim alpha textured.

So it more density then many other sculpt fields, it has no alpha issues. it reduce lags and still reasonable cost in prims, although low textures quality are on the edge of acceptance, still works good for distance and in combination with other prims. I warned you, really.

- It is sculpt prim, it smart build defended from being distorted on any distance, but due of SL lags sculpture map may not fully loaded, this is not depends on sculpt map. it is temporary issue of viewer or server. Any third party viewer have Reload function for current cases.
- Textures are property of their creators, there are no way thye will come in package due of that textures packages license using. more then enough scripts creating ready textured object. Sorry but I am not answering who is creator of them. My texture organizers made the way no creators names shows, as most of texture organizers are.

full perm version of current sculpt map can be found in my store as well. although there are another textures applied on them.

Have fun with buildings.
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)

  • - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
  • - LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
  • - fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
  • - ANY regular texture compatible.
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Very nicely made.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 15, 2017 by ThrenodySwan

Such low LI for really nice work. Unbelievably low price for this.

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Happy Suprise! Perfect dense ground cover.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 16, 2015 by Pat Selenium

This was a BIG happy surprise for me! I needed large area Copy/Mod sculpted foliage for my forest and border areas. Resize with "Stretch Textures" on and you are in business. ;)
Unlike mesh, these copy/mod sculpts can be added to a temp rezzer for further LI reduction. Most important, the variety of foliage combinations in each of the 6 is very good, dense, and feels very realistic. I wish the textures were a little lighter but the overall effect is amazing!

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