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2 birthday cakes with slices, eat script, candles and plate

2 birthday cakes with slices, eat script, candles and plate

Everything you need for a perfect celebration:
- 2 HUGE cakes: one chocolate and one candy
- both cakes contain full permission slices
- extra candles
- a HUGE golden plate

The cakes are modify, so you can add or remove CANDLES as you like.
Every cake will give its appropriate slice: The chocolate gives chocolate slices and the candy cake candy ones.

Every slice has a FUNNY ANIMATION: The avatar scratches the cream to put it into his mouth. This eat animation is scripted.

The slices are FULL PERMISSION: So you can drag them from the cake and put them on the table as well.

How many prims the thing has is up to you: The cake starts with 3 prims.

Whoever the cake is meant for:
My greetings, CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to this person!!


celebration,event,event-helper,event helper,birthday,rezz-day,rezzday,rezzday cake, rezz-day cake,cake,cake giver,slice,slice of cake,given cake,party,holiday,free,full permission,give on touch,cake,candle,burn,fire,blow,event,pary,party gadget,fun,funny animation,joke,relax,joy,friend,frienship,wedding,wedding cake,full permission,sugar,sugar cake,candy,sweet,sweets,enjoy

  • 2 delicious looking cakes
  • both cakes hand different cake slices
  • the slices contain an unusual lick animation
  • slices are full permission
  • you receive additional candles for decoration
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