3 shooting targets with white background in the box
you can train easily without hurting other avatars and improve your combat skills before going to real fight.
Scripted targets that you might like to use for target practice and weapons training.
Randomized avatars pictures (8) with aggressive and inocent look. You might shoot only ennemies.
Targets fall down after a randomized number of hits. Just touch it to start a new set and choose your options.
You can put them on your own supports. 3 free supports (full perms) included (2 boxes, 1 barrel).
•Innocents fall automaticaly after 10 sec.
•You can choose if you want enemies to fall automatically or wait for being killed ("auto target" in menu)
•Choose between 5, 10, 25, 50 targets
•8 randomized targets (4 enemies, 4 innocents)
•Stats at the end of practice
Works with all weapons I could test... You can also use the Popgun of your librairy's objects :-)
Works with swords, katanas, revolvers, guns and anything that can fire a prim.
Before buying, to be sure evrything is suitable to your needs,
you can try it in world
- works fine with all weapons
- 3 targets in each box
- use your own supports
- 3 free supports full perms included
- no copy/no modify/transfer
- 2 prims each
Feel free to IM me for more infos.
And all above ... have fun in your second life :-)
How it works :
•rezz the box, open it and copy items to your inventory.
•rezz a targets
•drive it where you want
•Touch it and choose "stop" just to reset scripts
•You can start your training with 5 targets available. Touch the target if you want more).
(5, 10 ,25 50 targets availables in menu)
•Kill enemies, don't wound inocents
•Have a look at your statistics (text above targets)
•Touch the target to start a new training.
Option :
auto target (touch the target for menu)
if OFF : enemeies target wait to be killed (default)
if ON : enemies targets bend atomaticaly (as inocent ones)
stop (touch the target for menu)
stops the targets and reset scripts.
You can find my other stuff here :
training dummies and stockings