Due to several requets: here I sell my 20s-60s-gold-brass-entrance-door as fullperm (other version is copy + modify for 89 L$).
Fullperm conditions are:
- Don't sell it as it is, doors must be part of a new building / of a more complex object.
- New building / object can't be cheaper than 100 Lindens (a well made house should not be less than 100 L anyway).
- Part with included doors can't be fullperm again.
Item description:
An office-entry-shop-door-entrance.
Golden-silver-black-glas-metal 20s-60s-styled.
Footmat is included.
Pleace notice, that I sell primarily the doors with their DESIGN, not primarily the script!
Comes with an example script for each door (each door opens/closes single - not both together).
Script handles: run-through-open, touch open/close, close by time, sound for open+close. You can add/change your own parameters. (A door with this script cannot be linked completely to buildings -> doors have to be delinked at last to work correct).
100% mesh, 3 prims impact all together (1 each door, 1 outer arch). You can stretch larger/smaller.
Each door has a small normal prim as hinge, which is needed for the script, linked together with the door it is 1-impact again.
!!Set the outer glas-arch to PHANTOM to make the portal negiotable / passable, to set it from "a wall" to "a walk through"!!
Portalsize: wide: 5,55m
height: 4,78m
(+/- stretchable)
Footmat is + 1prim.
LOD: The 3-impact-version is low-LOD (on LOD-value-4 it keeps stable till a camera distance of ~30m). A higher LODed version is included also with 4 + 9 impact (frame) and 2 + 4 impact (single door), which keeps LOD-snapping-stable till >100m on LOD-value-3.
7 faces on the portal and 8 on each door to repaint/retexture them. See pics and inworld (inworld the 3-impact-lowest-LOD-version is shown).
If questions IM me.
See item in Second Life