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3-5 LI "Farm Cart w Pumpkins for Halloween" (mod, copy) Version 1.0

3-5 LI "Farm Cart w Pumpkins for Halloween" (mod, copy)

Thank for carefully reading this.
This is FINAL item, full perm parts of it sells in my store.

Package contains:
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 3 LI cart full of pumpkins;
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 5 LI cart full of pumpkins;
- read me.

Build as Halloween decoration. Not very low, comparing to most of my items, whole 5 prims takes from yours land when rezzed.
I like overall look and wanted to share it with you for reasonable price. Uses material effects. so looks better with Advanced Lighting Model enabled in yours viewer settings.
While it build as ground decoration, there are bonus.
You can wear it (by default on Avatar Root). And while you moving, wheels rotates, sound plays. No special animations at all, Just simple passive script written by me that activates on start moving and deactivates on stop moving.
5 LI is NOT mesh, but special sculpts and regular prims, so unlike mesh it will stay perfect LOD at any distance.
3 LI version has mesh pumpkins made by another creator.
Yes cart has physics, so you can stay inside cart, not required part has set physics to none..
Item was build on idea as low as possible resources of sim to use for rendering, script, loading, cause running around SL looking for all that mesh carts, my PC starts having issues when too many meshes around (two sim to go and not enough memory for rendering without swapping), that never happens with sculpt, that formally just very tiny textures.

You can modify it the way you like.
As any other of my creations, here not uses any special texture, just any regular texture. Just first select face to apply texture from yours inventory.
Farm cart consists of two parts that can be unlinked, and can be used as 1 LI farm cart with wheels.
The same to wine plants decoration and pumpkins, everything can be unlinked to separate objects that can be used individually.

How to:
- Just rez on ground,
- Adjust angle.
If you wears it,
- Just wear.
- Move, to activate wheels rotation and sound;
- Stop, to stop sound and wheels rotation.

It you see instead of cart just spheres, give it a time, to load sculpt textures. Comparing to mesh it must loads faster but depends on how much memory yours graphics uses, sometimes loading texture delays. Just wait, this is not property of item at all.

Have nice second life,
NEKKA (silk.aeon)

  • - precision shape, no flickering;
  • - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
  • - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;