333 - Little Wooden Bridge - Only Sculpt, Copy/Mod - LOW PRIMS Version 1.1
0 Reviews
Little Wooden Bridge
- Perfect for Beaches and Forests, is suitable for any environment from the Gothic to the Tropical Beach.
- Sculpted, 5 Prims. - 10 meters long. - COPY/MOD.
This package contains:
- 1 Object (5 Prims) Little Wooden Bridge. - COPY/MOD.
- 2 Object (2+3 Prims) LittleWooden Bridge Navigable. - COPY/MOD.
- 1 Object (5 Prims) Little Wooden Bridge Fiab. - COPY/MOD.
- 2 Object (2+3 Prims) LittleWooden Bridge Fiab Navigable. - COPY/MOD.
For any question please drop a notecard (my IMs are always capped) to: Stup3fac3nt3 Vendetta
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