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33m x 45m Evan II Multi-Level Texture Changeable Cave Waterfall with Interior Lighting Box (v9c) Version v9c

33m x 45m Evan II Multi-Level Texture Changeable Cave Waterfall with Interior Lighting Box (v9c)

The Fort Serenity Evan II Falls is a 33m deep x 45m wide x 21m high two-story cave waterfall with a 17m x 32m cave and a 11m x 22m cave.
The interior cave height is between 7m and 8m.

This cave comes with an optional 36 prim cave insert that is not included in the basic cave prim count.

The waterfall has 12 changeable rock textures and 12 changeable water textures, plus four water transparence settings. The owner can also substitute his or her own water and rock textures for those built into the falls. Only the owner of the waterfall can change the settings.

The sixteen prim lake with trees and three 4-prim rock pools are removable so the water can flow into a stream, pool, or the ocean. Some positioning of the pools is required.

The waterfall includes two sounds rocks, one for waterfalls and one for streams, that are copiable and may be turned on and off by touching them. It also includes copiable mist so it may be added where the owner chooses.

See item in Second Life
  • 12 Changeable water textures
  • 12 Changeable rock textures
  • Owners can add their own textures
  • 2 copiable sound rocks for waterfalls and streams plus copiable mist
  • Removable pond to permit falls to flow into the ocean or a stream