Santa in flying sleigh will fly high above your home with jingle bells sound and gold sparkling star particles trailing the sleigh!
The elves have been busy all year in Santa’s workshop creating special decorations for your home and gifts for everyone on your list. Home of SL’s beautiful mesh silver crystal!
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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2018 New Year!
Holiday Creations
- Jingle bells sound
- Gold stars emitter
Don't waste your money on this item
The LOD (level of display) is terrible on this item, i.e. falls away rapidly with distance. Dear mesh content creators: please stop making your content on Firestorm. Because it causes you to make mesh content that LOD's horribly, even on ultra graphics, on everything except Firestorm Viewer.
You may not be aware of this, but Firestorm changed the "Object Detail" slider away from default behavor. Putting the slider all the way up on official viewer results in a object detail value of "2", but on Firestorm, it's "4" (with many people even going into debug and making it even higher.
The side effect is if you are a mesh creator, you will not realize how quickly your models fall to lower LOD's.