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3DM Dolphin Deluxe AO

3DM Dolphin Deluxe AO

**This requires the 3DM BASIC DOLPHIN Avatar**

(DO NOT buy this if you have the Deluxe Dolphin!)

(Includes Baby Dolphin AO, too!)
* 2308 Update:
+ 4 Gait Animations, various speeds that you can use to customize your AO. (Great for all your graceful slow-mo needs!)

Upgrade your Basic Dolphin to a full AO.

* 3 more idle animations, including spyhop and floating

* Crouch and Crouchwalk on the ground

* Sit animation

* Turn Left and Right


* Typing Override moves your jaw as you type, WITH authentic Dolphin Sounds. (You can turn off the sounds if you want, in the menu.)


* Voice Talker attachment. Use your microphone to control your Dolphin's jaw.


See item in Second Life
  • Complete AO with 21 Animations
  • Typing Override with Dolphin Sounds
  • Voice Talker for Lip-Synching with Voice