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40x40 Tree 1 XL prim 9 in one ,, change on click

40x40 Tree 1 XL prim 9 in one ,, change on click

Rez this 1 prim tree, leftclick and chose the texture you like from the menu. "there are 9 different to chose from".
When done that say lock in chat to prevent anyone including yourself to change the texture again :-)
If you want to change again, then just say unlock in chat and the tree is changeable again.

Rez as many as you want,, yes it's copyable.

The tree is made out of 1 single 40x40 meter XL prim, that means if you change the size on it then it will switch to normaly 10x10x10 meter prim size, in advantage you have that option too :-)

If you're in doubt or in any trouble with it ,, then pls contact.: Jannik Pikajuna

See item in Second Life
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