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5 Full Perm Blood Textures & Horror Decorations

5 Full Perm Blood Textures & Horror Decorations

Take 5 Blood Textures can be yours for a for a chilling low price that will send shivers up your spine and goose bumps along your arms.

Yes! You get the textures 100% full perm along with 5 mesh ready to use displays that are copy & modifiable so you can tint them darker, make them glow, and yes resize them as a added BONUS to all.

All the ready to go mesh decorations are ONLY 1 on land impact and well depending on what you build by using the textures that's up to you on what your own creations turn out to be on land impact.

This package was made for ones looking to get there hands on Halloween Decorations & Any SL Builder out there!

The 5 textures are fully Transferable, Copy, & Modifiable so they are ready to go for any builder to use as they please.

If you should have questions or need help please send either Evilmorgan or Moonbuggy Resident a In-world NOTE CARD and we'll be happy to get back to you ASAP!!!

Also, be sure to check out our other store items for we are Always adding new ones for EVERYONE in SL to ENJOY xD.

  • Halloween
  • Mesh
  • Textures
  • Blood
  • Building