G General

5 SWARMS free-roaming Version v12

5 SWARMS free-roaming

more random..

up to 5 SARDINE swarms

ultralow lag 0.003ms/swarm
4 prims/swarms

rezer is modif/nocopy/notrans
swarms are copy

the swarm is 5m big & need water,
your water must have
a minimum depth & width of 6m,
& be of course longer.

rez the swarm generator in SL sea water only,
(doesn't work in pools, no prim collision)
touch it and choose to rez 1 to 5 swarms.

the swarms will find their way alone.
no settings, no predefined paths,
no range sets.

edit the notecard inside the rezer
to specify roaming limits if needed.

ee Oh

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great way to add life to your underwater world!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 14, 2018 by Charida

Mezmerizing to look at. Very believable behavior for schools of fish. The fish themselves look good, even at a close look.
Great way to add life to your underwater world!
Found it easy to set up. And when I had a question I got a clear answer from the creator in a timely fashion.
Very content with this buy.

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Simply the Best
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 06, 2014 by Migon Aeon

Anyone looking for free moving creatures can not pass this shop. This is the best of Ai and free bedwegenden creatures. Easy to start - just a few clicks and with absolutely little to no lag. - There is nothing better in SL.
Einfach die Besten
Wer frei bewegende Kreaturen sucht kommt an diesem Shop nicht vorbei. Das ist das beste an Ai und frei bedwegenden Kreaturen. Einfach zu starten - wenige klicks genügen und mit absolut geringem bis kein lag. - Es gibt nichts besseres in SL.

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