6 Floor Business Tower with Elevators - Full Mesh Version 1.6
This 6 floor dark glass business building is full mesh with copy and modify permissions. The elevators alone is worth the cost.
36 offices with working double door entrances. 2 independant working elevators with lighted call buttons and floor displays on each floor and the cars.
Front entrance has a black fade door color that gets lighter and becomes phantom as avatars get closer.
This is a soft rez. Be sure to rez the building with an edit window open so you can position the building. Reset the elevator scripts once the building is positioned.
277 land impact including elevators and doors. UV Mapped textures and faces for inside and outside walls and doors.
Be sure to Reset the Elevator Scripts after positioning the building
- 6 floors, 36 offices with working double doors
- 2 Independent Elevators go to every floor
- Lighted Elevator Call Buttons and Floor Indicator
- Full Mesh, UV Mapped Textures
- Copy Modify perms (not scripts)