Male Modeling Poses for Photography, AO Sits and Stands
★ 70 new animations including static and breathing animations made by Akaesha Designs
★ Easy to use Pose Stand. Click the left and right arrows on the stand to cycle.
- NOTE: You can also take animations out if you wish to use them in another item or AO HUD.
...........How to Get Help
Please send an IM to "AkaeshaCustomerSupport Resident" to leave a message.
Akaesha Designs is a reputable and well established brand for animated products in SL.
We back that up with many years of experience and top notch customer support!
Congratulations on your ReACT™ product ownership! Thank you for your interest in our products and we hope that our products will bring you long lasting joy!
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See item in Second Life- motion realistic & fluid animations for solo male
- modeling poses
- AO sits and stands