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[A] Mesh Reception Desk

[A] Mesh Reception Desk

Full Perm Mesh Asian Floor Lamp
- 100% mesh
- AO map
- Full texture Map
- UV map
- Shadow Cast Map
- Map for applying screen
- Scripts for functional lamp
- Shadow texture (for you to set the mesh to show you as creator)

*Here's is the CSS (Common Sense Stuff)

Please abide by these rules when you use and distribute my Full Perm items:

1. All Full Perm items are for personal and commercial use

2. You can use my creations in your work and sell. However you're not allowed to sell the Meshes and textures FULL PERM.

3. You are not allowed to resell textures and meshes as is

4. You are not allowed to give away my textures

5. You cannot use these texture packs outside Second life platform.

Please respect my creative rights. Any actions that violate the terms above will be referred as stealing and appropriate measure will be taken.

If you have any questions, please contact me: Artemis Lavender

Thanks for shopping at Artemis Creations,
I hope to be your favorite store,
Hope you have a nice day,
Artemis Lavender

Second Life の商品を表示
評価平均: full star full star full star half star empty star
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Charming lamp
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/11/14 : Giulia Faerye

With fullperm scripts and clear templates. I am very happy with the lamp.

Thank you!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/05/30 : Brialette

There are two separate scripts in the package, and they are modifiable and full perm. I have had no issues with this product at all and everything is working perfectly. Thank you.

full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/03/28 : pepina Vella

Not modifiable Scripts not copiables.
After asking often, it helps his creator, to receive not even only one response in my requests of help.
The descricion of his lamp is a fraud.

No Escrituras modificables no copiables.
Después de pedir varias veces ayuda a su creador, no contesto respuesta en mis peticiones de la ayuda.
El descricion de su lámpara es un fraude.
