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<A-T> Fletcher Class Destroyer Version 1.5

<A-T> Fletcher Class Destroyer

===============Astral Tek Fletcher-Class Destroyer===============

3D Mesh Artist: Joe Sparrow
Texture Artist: Joe Sparrow
Scripting: Joe Sparrow & Ariesviper Barbecue
Sounds: Obany Wardark
Notecard: Tsume Xiao


Hud info

<A-T> Fletcher Class
<A-T> Fletcher Class Display
<A-T> Universal Warshp HUD
<A-T> Warship Gunsight

==========Fletcher-Class Specifications==========
Full Name: Fletcher Class Destroyer
Country of Origin: United States

Sensor: Naval
HP: 1000
-5"/38 Caliber Gun - SMB
-Mark 15 Torpedo - TRP
-Mark 6 Depth Charges - TRP
-40mm Bofors LMG

===Other Features===
-Particle effects for bow wave, wake and all weapons
-Guest mode


↑&↓ / W&S: Adjusts the Throttle Setting
←&→ / A&D: Controls the Rudder

Left Mouse Button: Fires Main Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim

Page Up / E: Fires Secondary & AA Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim
-When aiming above the horizon, the guns change to a CMG flak mode.

Clicking the vessel will bring up a menu

Flag: Allows the input of a custom flag UUID.
Guest: Toggles Guest Mode. When activated, guest mode allows others to drive the vehicle

The Universal Warship HUD allows for control of additional functions. such as aircraft drones smoke screens and depth charges.
This depends on the ship as every ship class has different functions.

The HUD also displays the HP and throttle setting.

=====Operational Notes====
-The vehicle activates VICE upon avatar entry.
-The Naval Sensor System will show all damage as coming from the owner, even in guest mode.
-Teams can be set with the standard vice command team (Valid teams are: none, 1, 2, 3, 4)

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 4 star:
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  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Still good to this day
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 29, 2020 by MicahStellar

I've been going through my purchases this year and trying to catch up. Though a helo pilot 99% of the time I like to endeavor in other vehicles and equipment. I got this ship in 2015 and bring it out into service now and then. No complaints to this day as yet ether winning or fight or not it's fun and the effects are good. However in regards to the shops there, seems to be an issue with the landing point at Tulagi for some reason I keep landing in the ocean (see item in secondlife) splash. :D

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Updated review
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted October 09, 2017 by MrJames Deed

I must be honest here because I do spend a lot of my money on detailed creations and this ship isn't the most detailed vessel out there. However I did get an interesting IM from a person who did try to help me fix the mouse view issue I was having. Their lack of knowledge hindered them greatly. However I think after 9 years I've learned enough to know my way around a viewer and figured out what they were trying to say. So with firestorm phoenix viewer I needed a shortcut TAB so I could operate the cannons on this vessel. So the fact this person who's name i can not post nor the IM because that violates LL Terms of service and will get you ban from market place. They did harass me some on my review BUT a review is to help other buyers in their buying journey and therefor I ignored the comments and solved the issue. With that said this vessel lacks detail greatly but does operate ok for its market and does the job needed for battle. So I give it 4 stars... Mind you I would say 3 but they did try to help me fix my issue which was a firing problem with my mouse and viewer not having a shortcut TAB at the time... For me it's a 3 but overall I give it a 4 star rating...

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Terrific Ship !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 24, 2014 by Cameron69

This is definitely a kick-ass ship, although I'd like to see different paint options, ability to take on a few crew and have a guest mode. Other than that... a terrific weapon.

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Smooth Running
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 02, 2014 by Jolene Wingtips

Looks to be about 64 meters long and about 6 meters wide, sculpted deck so not able to walk on the deck, was very nice to be able to steer and shoot the cannon, avatar is hidden inside the con and is not visible like on most open wheel house ships, most actions are in mouse view, first person shooter. I am very happy with the purchase, I would like to see a future update with the ship width changed to 10 to 12 meters wide because its just too thin for the overall scale of the ship, and also different camo paint schemes. Two Thumbs Up !!!

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Perfect Battleship
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 18, 2013 by Wayne34 Jewell

Easy to use...good animations and Firepower. Well designed.....just great!

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Great Ship !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 24, 2012 by Oak Wylie

This is a great ship. Easy to use, cross's simslines very well. Great for navel combat or just sailing the sea. Can't wait to but another ship from this builder.

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