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1 Review

3D Mesh Artist: Wronger1
Texture Artist: Wronger1
Scripting: Joe Sparrow


////==MCE STATS==\\\\

HP: 300
Armor Level: 2
Resource Points: 50

Pen: Class 2
Damage: 100


================ CUSTOMS! ================

Most <A-T> Tanks Support Our Paint bucket System!
Contact "Wronger1 Resident" for Pricing info if you want a custom Paint Made!

===============Driver Controls===============

- Driving is done by the arrow keys with a simple easy to use Hold and go.

- Pgup = Toggle Gear Mode's this is a simplified system for ease of use.

"Gear 1" sets you to a high Torque mode that allows you to drive slowly but climb steep surfaces fairly well.
"Gear Drive" Sets you to the default speed and you will be able to achieve the vehicles max operational speeds.

- Another Avatar Entering your tank will give the owner of the tank a dailog asking if you want to allow them to be a Driver.

If Allowed to Timeout or you Click No they will be ejected from the tank.
if you click yes they will become your driver and the tank will display the driver in the green text. Your tank is now in Rp Mode!
you can now get into historical combat along side your brothers in arms.

crewed tanks require more skill and teamwork to be effective in combat. a well trained crew is worth respecting!

for the most part self explanatory. see the "Hud Info" image contained within the package
===============Turret Controls===============

The Main Turret functions cleanly for sim's that may have limited script time.
Turrets No Longer require to be attached the tank is one solid vehicle.

Using is as simple as Looking at your target in mouselook and clicking left mouse to fire.
the Gunsight/Reload Timer hud display will let you see when the gun is ready to be fired again.

- Coaxial gun: Page Down / Fly down

===============Hull Gun===============
The Hull Gun is Used In Mouselook And Fired By Left Mouse
The Universal Tank Hud can Unsit The Driver and Hull Gunner's
===============Chat Commands===============

- s: Engine on/off
- refuel: Refuel the tank. engine must be off.

l: Headlights (not every vehicle has)

h: Commander's Hatch

- vice on : vice combat on
- vice off : vice combat off

- cam : 3rd person camera Toggle for the owner.
- team 1,2,3,4 sets team to the set number



- Gunsight/Reload Timer
- Universal Hud

- Display Model

- V.I.C.E Enabled Model
- MCE Enabled Model

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 18, 2014 by Revekka74

A nice little tank just to have fun. Small and good against infantry and small vehicles. it's size making it easy to find cover or just remain undetected.

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L$ 600

Adding to cart as gift


<A-T> Astral Technologies
<A-T> Astral Technologies
Sold by: Warship Waifu

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 27