AA-Flowers+Leaves (mesh) BuilderKit Alliance Version LL3
BUILDER KIT V. AMA-Mesh 020 >" Mesh Flowers+Leaves"
( Avatars-3d.com Alliance)
Créator : Ama Avro
This Package included :
A set of mesh flowers and leaves with templates and textures :
Daffodils :
- 2 daffodils mesh, 1 Prim each ;
- 1 template for heart and 1 template for petals (Daffodils) ;
- 5 textures for Daffodils.
Flower 5 petals:
- 1 flower mesh, 1Prim ;
- 1 template ;
- 1 texture.
Rose :
- 1 flowe mesh, 1Prim ;
- 1 template ;
- 1 texture.
Leaves :
- 2 leaves mesh, 1 Prim ;
- 2 templates ;
- 2 textures.
You can make your own textures with the help of the inside template. Layers templates are annotated with the names of different parts.
Many beautiful textures for every item are in the box ... and no need to bother to work :-) ... you can also change only the color. Textures are tintable in SL. ....Have fun !
All is full perm for builder, but you have to read and follow the information above.
- 100 % Mesh
- Full Perm for builder
- Ama Avro likes high-quality objects and textures :-)
Pretty & Easy
I really like this flower set, it's really pretty and easy to use. I do wish it had come with a stem for the flowers but I was able to use a stem from another set I had so it wasn't a big deal. Thank you for the awesome set.