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~AB~ Ultimate Beehive System ~ Unity Empire Support

~AB~ Ultimate Beehive System ~ Unity Empire Support

~AB~ Azalea Bluebell items for Second Life are designed to give you a quality range of mesh products to enrich your Second Life and boost your creativity.

The beehive for example is nothing like you have seen before in Second Life. Forget about all the previous beehives that you have bought, this is the only beehive you need for realism in your Second Life home and garden, or even for Unity Empires Roleplay.

The beehive comes in 2 different styles and is loaded with tons of options. By using an easy menu you get to choose the number of bees you like to fly around your land or parcel, you can select the area where they are allowed to fly or even parcel/sim wide. On top of that you can use flower props to match your own flowers around your garden, so that the bees will know where they can collect nectar, at random they will visit those flower 'hotspots' just like they would in real, after which they will bring it back to the beehive.

For Unity Empire, the beehive comes with a dozen settings to play with, such as the amount of honey stored inside a beehive, how long it takes before new one is added, allow others to steal the honey and even prevent them with a timer from stealing too many. Also, the values of the honey can be altered and used as a food item. These settings are all accessible through an easy to use notecard inside the beehive.

Every bee rezzed counts as 1 LI., the beehive itself is 1-2 LI as well. Every script and object is optimized for a low lag experience while maintaining high-quality LODs. The bees are visible from even 100 meters away.

Customer support is very important to me if you need any help please don't hesitate to contact me.

I would kindly ask you to take a minute of your time, to leave me a review. They are highly appreciated!

With Love, <3
Azalea Bluebell

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Finally, a hive worth buying!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 26, 2020 by Ingeborg Fromund

Thank you SO much for adding copy permission to this beehive; heaven knows I've lost Unity farm items to sim malfunction before. 700 Linden is pricey but worth the advantage of always being able to rez a new hive when a server crash zaps the old one.

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