G Geral

@AC DarkLight Thanks TIPJAR Box Versão V1.05.01

@AC DarkLight Thanks TIPJAR Box

The TIPJAR Darklight Thank you (Serie Darklight DJ Alliance)


The TIPJAR Thank you, sends a message of thanks to the person who made a donation to you, in his language and according to his gender, man, or woman.

Depending on your configuration, a message is sent, by different means to choose from:

- A message in the local chat,
- A message in the avatar's private chat,
- A message in a dialog window of the avatar,
- A generic message in ASCII Art of the textual "gesture" type,
- Particles starting from the position of the TIPJAR towards the avatar.

The settings are made by a notecard and by a menu that the owner activates by a right click and Touch.

A single click opens the payment window.

The TIPJAR detects the language spoken by the avatar as well as its gender, male or female. This automatically adapts messages.


Always keep an original TIPJAR, only work on one copy.

1) Place a TIPJAR on the floor or on a suitable stand such as the @AC Micro Builder Workbench.
2) Edit the TIPJAR and select the "Content" tab. A list of files appear, scripts and notecards. All notecards are in full rights to be modified according to your needs.


Each parameter is commented in the note, here is the format to respect:

Name of Thanks TIPJAR => Parameter Role
* THANKS NAME => Variable flag, do not modify,
DJ Toto TIPJAR => Editable parameter

// Say the message in the private chat

// Say ASCII Art message in the local chat

// Neon Color in SL Vector format < R, G, B > 0.00 to 1.00 Ex: <0.00, 0.50, 1.00>
// Or RAINBOW for a color cycle.


You have the possibility to change the particles sent by the TIPJAR by modifying the UUID. If you set an incorrect or zero value, simple small lights will be sent.

// Particles UUID if you whant change it


* The notes "THANKS F and THANKS M"
Here are all the sentences for each language and gender, F for Woman M for Male.

Here is the rule to follow:

//No detected => Language Information
NOD => Language code, do not modify
Thank you for your donation, Merci pour votre donation => The sentence to say on one line

// English
Thank you for your donation

// Dansk (Danois)
Tak for din donation

These are the phrases that are sent in the local chat and/or private chat and/or dialog window.


* "ASCII ART" notes

You can configure 10 ASCII ART per gender, 10 for women and 10 for men.

Example for ASCII ART N°1 for men: ASCII ART 01 M

(¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸'•** (•.•) **•´ ¸¸.•¨¯'•.¸¸)
( ̈*•. ̧ ́•. :: HOOOOOOOO! :: ̧.• ́ ̧.•* ̈)
(¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸'•** (•.•) **•´ ¸¸.•¨¯'•.¸¸)
(¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸'•** (•.•) **•´ ¸¸.•¨¯'•.¸¸)
( ̈*•. ̧ ́•. :: HOOOOOOOO! :: ̧.• ́ ̧.•* ̈)
(¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸'•** (•.•) **•´ ¸¸.•¨¯'•.¸¸)

These are alternatives to gestures without the animations and without the sounds that are displayed as a result of messages in the public chat.

You configure the default ASCII Art in the "CONFIGURATION" notecard or by setting RANDOM for random automatic selection.

// Default ASCII Art Notecard (RANDOM, ASCII ART 01) Whitout the M or F


By clicking on the TIPJAR with the right mouse button and then "Touch", a menu opens

• LOCAL ON / LOCAL OFF, activation or deactivation of the message in the local chat,
• PRIVATE ON / PRIVATE OFF, activation or deactivation of the message in the private chat,
• WINDOW ON / WINDOW OFF, activation or deactivation of the message in a window,
• PARTICLE ON / PARTICLE OFF, particle activation if you wear the optional emitter,
• ASCII ON / ASCII OFF, enabling or stopping ASCII Art messages,
• ASCII SELECT, Selection of the ASCII Art that will be displayed in the local chat.
• << BACK, previous menu,
• EXIT, Close Menu.

Due to its great flexibility, you can create your own personalized tipjar.

Simply copy all the scripts and notecards to a folder in your inventory and put all these files in some object.

Arlequin Carter Production

  • TIPJAR multilingual
  • Customizable messages
  • Fully configurable
  • Pseudo gestures