[AC] Marble Tile V.2 Textures
..Crate Contains..
18x Seamless Textures
3x Normal (Bumpiness) Map
3x Specular (Shininess) Map
6 Colors in 3 styles, Clean, Worn 1 & Worn 2
1024 x 1024 pixels
Full Permissions - Please see license included for terms
The Normal and Specular maps allow for 3D detailing on the textures, For this to work you must have the 'Advanced Lighting Model' mode enabled in 'Preferences > Graphics'.
If you have any questions or product issues please send me an IM.
Kind Regards
Gully Rivers
Second Life の商品を表示50/50 on these textures
The materials are GREAT! However, I realized that the diffuse texture is actually from a freebie pack... But I still use these ALL the time because of how good the materials is, the nice realistic effect(worn and clean versions), and also because the vintage looks great in my trailers.
I am pretty sure that if the creator makes more materials tile,that I will buy them.