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:*A_G*: Victoria House

:*A_G*:  Victoria House

Victoria House

A beautiful house for 512 sqm or bigger
44 Land Impact


Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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What the description does'nt tell you...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 06, 2019 by BlaneDemont

This build is freaking badazz! Its PERFECT land impact and size for a couple or 2 people OR can be resized to a childs playhouse like i did and just wow, no crap, its pretty freaking kool and i love the prims, its lower if your downsize it and this price Cant be beat!!. Totally freakin 5 stars and wishing many more types of these from this creator!! Highly Recommend!!!! One of the few items that i would give 6 stars if i could.

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