G Generell

AJ - black tank top with lola aplier

AJ - black tank top with lola aplier

This outfit has appliers for lola tango and cherry bombs, slink Physiquem omega and TMP ( the mesh project) applier.

- with the omega system replay HUD for Belleza you can use it for the belleza Venus body


AJ Creations believes in endless possibilities and so should you. We carry a full array of products that will make your Second Life soar. From the freshest design in mesh houses to the furniture you need to decorate it, AJ Creations is there with the best quality animations in family and children's furniture to bring your home to life. But the fun does not stop there. AJ Creations carries a line of some of the most exquisite jewelry on Second Life for Slink hands and feet. When you are ready, AJ Creations has you covered with the latest in women's apparel from casual and formal wear to maternity clothing, all of which is lola tango and cherry bomb compatible. Experience the AJ Creations difference, and master the endless possibilities.

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Doesnt fit.... tmp
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 23.10.2014 von Troela18

The bottoms on the tmp applier doesn't fit at all, looks really wierd (and yes I have a normal shaped body)

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