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::AK:: AFK animated Cell Phone + Tags

::AK:: AFK animated Cell Phone + Tags

Here are our super useful animated cell phone with tags to tell people around you you're AFK but on only that: to tell them WHY you're afk!!! :)

Brillant, easy to use and cool (include a nice cell phone animation)

Please don't forget to enable mature items to see our gorgeous (and cheap) geisha, maiko's skin (classic and more "crazy" ones)
If you want to find other Japanese items, for Geisha, Maiko, or Samurai, such as kimono, hair or everyday stuff like japanese food (we have sushi plates, ramen or even wagashi - sweets-) and furniture, please visit our inworld shop

See item in Second Life
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Not even worth 1 Linden
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 02, 2019 by BytingBits

It animates the whole body not only the arm and the hand, it would be ok, but the animation is so bad, just a bad choke! I will not use it!

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Very nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 30, 2012 by Dietmar Xenno

Good product. Now people don't interrupt me when i am busy.
Thank You.

Dietmar Xenno.
IFP group - Tschotcke Airfield

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 24, 2011 by Lex Doghouse

as a total cellphone junkie, its kinda neat to find an AFK marker like this that doesn't cost a fortune AND gives you several options on "what you're doing" To the creators - if you everrrrrrrrr decide to remake this, a bubble you could add your own text to would awesomeness x thousands!

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