G General





- your fashion statement in the virtual World!
- perfect shape and texture quality!
- resize menu with Flip function!*
- different designs available

still the cap itself has mod-rights
so you can remove the script if you want.

*flipmode does move/rotate the hat between two different ways to wear it.
you can edit each position just like you want and switch between them
by hitting the flip button.

See item in Second Life
  • perfect shape and texture quality!
  • resize menu with Flip function!
  • different designs available
  • flipmode does move/rotate the hat between two different ways to wear it.
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Its Mod. Fits Perfectly
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 05, 2014 by Jax McMasters

Not sure what other reviewers are talking about. This hat is FULLY mod, resizeable mod. Just touch the hat to size to fit your head. Need another color? Just buy one for L$50.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 03, 2011 by Ramon Galicia

Why does it say modify, if it isn't?

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