============================ Alh - Drow Male Skin Roleplay ============================
[1] Introduction ==========================================
Alh skin is a brand new serie of male skins for your avatar.
Those Skins were made for roleplay purposes
Every skin represents more than ten hours of work and were created with the obsessive desire
to offer you the most detailed skins
The Drow skin will be perfect for your dark elf, magician, sorcerer, fantasy roleplay.
[2] Contents ==========================================
- 1 skin watermarked "demo" ------- copy
- 1 custom shape ------- copy
[3] Disclaimer ==========================================
LINUS Humphreys (alh) copyrights 2013
This is the demo version !
What you see is what you get.
Due to the huge amount of fake advertisement pictures for avatars skins on SL & the marketplace
(the quality will be less good on your avatar than on the advertisement), I have made the choice
to respect my customers and to guarantee the quality of my creations as displayed.
Always try the demos first, even for the most well known brands in SL,
which are not always the most honest.
I'm very happy to see the skin in sl as i can see it on the pic on MPlace.
Nice an hight details, perfect for rp.