Deep inside an abandoned warehouse, a box sits for years and years, no one ever moves it or has talked about it...the reason for this is...every person that has ever come into contact with it has disappeared, never to be seen again!
Click on the box and you will be dragged inside by the alien monster. Your avatar will try to stop it by digging hands into the ground, trying to hold on, but you cannot fight it, the monster drags you in and then you are gone forever! Or until you hit stand ;)
This low prim set created by Smith Barnard is the perfect addition to your Halloween display and includes lots of extras to create the look you want!
Set Includes:
-Highly detailed metal box (3 prims)
-Spooky music plays softly in the background
Click box to turn on, click again to turn off, or let play)
-Alien monster (2 prims)
-Animation that drags you into box (1 prim)
This animation is amazing and must be seen to be appreciated. You will want to try it over and over!
-Fog emitter (1 prim)
-Creepy spider web in the back of box (1 prim)
-Five warehouse items as seen in pictures (1 prim each)
Thank you for your purchase from Ozark Maple Leaf, enjoy!