G General




Please try DEMO first.

**contained items **

-Mesh hair (Rigged/non Rigged mesh)
-3 Styles

FATPACK allows more than 50% off on all colors.



See item in Second Life
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 28, 2021 by josettevictoria

I accidently bought the fat pack thinking I bought the demo.. omg I am so glad I did!! I have a toddleedoo avie and have a hard time fitting good hair!! This was so easy to fit my little avie head!! Thank You so much.. if you have a little avie I suggest trying this, but always try the demo first.. giggles!! just in case.. 5 stars for sure!! Again Thank you!! :D

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Don't miss the parts piece!!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 11, 2018 by KaliOfCats Mysterious

I *super luv* ARGRACE's hairs - and between this and one other hair designer is all I wear. And ICHIKA takes me to a new level of love and adoration of my style attributes. after putting it on, and playing with all of the numerous hair colors. I was thinking it just *needs something* and then I saw in the directory [A -Parts] and was like "what is THAT?" and put it on, and was this little hair add to the front of the hair that hits the top of the seam line and "dripps" over the front of the sides, hard to explain - but a very nice ADD!!! so all in all A+++ and keep the hair coming guys... I still have L's :)

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