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ARM - A Rigged Mesh - Zazzy! Version 1.0

ARM - A Rigged Mesh - Zazzy!

ARM - A Rigged Mesh - Zazzy!

_Materials Enabled_

This is a complete mesh avatar that includes a full alpha layer!

Zazz is a very tall and very lanky Zeti, with very thin limbs and body structure. The upper half of his body appears to be vibrant pink, while his body from the waist down is pure black, ending in two-clawed feet with purple toes

A word about my rigged mesh, there are most likely small mistakes in my rigs but for the most part they are negligible.

Model Info: Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Credit The Spriters Resource Community!

  • Uniquely awesome!
  • Fully customizable!
  • Made with attention to detail!
  • Easy to use!
  • Affordability!