The ARomantic Wardrobe Manager is a tasteful item of furniture which allows you to...
✔ Store your outfits tidily, with a photo and a description of each outfit
✔ Flick through your outfits to find the one you want by seeing its photo and description on the wardrobe itself
✔ Search for an outfit using keywords
✔ Wear an outfit directly without opening your Inventory
✔ All with a user-friendly menu-driven system to do all the above.
Do you ever forget which outfit is which?
Find it hard to remember what a particular outfit looks like?
You know you have the perfect outfit, and you know what it looks like, but what was it called?
The ARomantic Wardrobe Manager is the answer to your problems. Your photos of your outfits appear on the mirror in the wardrobe, allowing you to easily see your outfits without having to wear each one, and lets you wear your chosen outfit with just a click. No need even to open your inventory!
✔ Store a photo and your description of each outfit (you must provide the photo), and display each photo, and the descriptions, as you flick through your outfits.
✔ Wear any outfit from the Hud itself, with a single click from its display.
✔ Flick through your outfits to find the one you want by seeing its photo and description on the Hud
✔ Search for an outfit using your own keywords
✔ Wear an outfit directly from the Hud without opening your Inventory
✔ Alter the size and position of the Hud to suit your screen as you try on your outfits
✔ Compatible with any mesh body, and with non-mesh bodies.
✔ Handles outfits with appliers too, instructions included.
✔ All controlled by you with a user-friendly menu-driven system.
✔ Allow other people (if you wish) to dress you by choosing your outfit for you
✔ Easy to follow user guide
The ARomantic Wardrobe Manager uses RLV: you must use a RLV-enabled viewer (such as Firestorm). Full instructions on enabling RLV are provided (don't worry, it takes only two clicks and a relog).