UPDATED 1 9 2024: Added fitted mesh dress and neck cover for Reborn and Legacy.
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FREE Demo at Main Store in world.
Includes Standard Rigged Mesh, Fitmesh, and Fitted Mesh dress models (18 dress models in total).
Depending on your shape & AO (animation over-rider), you may need to use alphas.
IMPORTANT: Nakooma Mesh Suede Boots ARE included in this purchase. To purchase separately, see related items.
"Nakooma" Dreamcatcher Edition Dress is a detailed ensemble for Native American, Fantasy, Red Savage and Plains role players. This outfit features soft buckskin leather with beading and fine details. It includes a mesh dress and neck cover, dreamcatcher necklace, boots, sculpted headband, SL system clothing layers (undershirt & underpants) and Omega Applier. Bakes on Mesh compatible.
- Fitted Mesh: Reborn, Legacy, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Venus, Isis, Freya
- Fitmesh: 5 sizes
- Standard Rigged Mesh: 5 sizes
Neck Cover:
- Fitted Mesh: Reborn, Legacy, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Venus, Isis, Freya
- Standard Rigged Mesh 5 sizes
- Partial Mesh Boots (unrigged)
- Partial Mesh Dreamcatcher Necklace (unrigged)
- Sculpted Leather Headband
- SL Clothing Layers
- Bakes on Mesh (BoM) compatible
- Omega Applier
- Assorted alphas
Rigged Mesh, Clothing Layers & Omega Applier: Copy/No Mod/No Transfer
Unrigged Mesh & Sculpted Accessories: Copy/Resize Scripted/No Transfer
Arwen Serpente
©Copyright !**Arwen's Creations**! by Arwen Serpente. All Rights Reserved.
- Buckskin Mesh Dress and Neck Cover in Standard & Fitted Mesh
- Fitted Mesh: Reborn, Legacy, Maitreya, Physique, Hourglass, Venus, Isis, Freya
- Nakooma Mesh Suede Boots, Dream catcher necklace; leather headband
- Bakes on Mesh, BOM, Classic SL System Clothing Layers, Omega Applier
- Native American, Western, Old West, Fantasy, Indian, Red Savage, role play
The best I've seen in SL.. The detail is amazing, the highest quality!!
Such a beautiful outfit, and perfect for my Native American look.
Great quality, design, and texture for the price!
I was given one of these dresses as a gift, came back to buy this one, different color. I now own both the black and the cloud versions, plan on getting the rest in this particular style. I've gotten so many compliments on it. Beautiful work!!!
Authentic Native American!
It is difficult to find authentic clothes but this creator has nailed it again. After having purchased many other outfits from this designer I knew I could come back and find exactly what I wanted. I am never disappointed by the quality and craftsmanship! Keep up the good work and you can count on me to come back for more!