G General

!ASI MRAR34 1.1

!ASI MRAR34 1.1

ASI MRAR34 Version 1.0
After making sure all the gestures that came with this weapon are set as 'active' and that the weapon is attached and drawn, press (NOT type in the chat bar) the 'O' key to open the main menu, from here you will be able to access the following:

***Main menu***

R-Ammo: opens the rifle ammunition menu to choose rifle ammunition types from.
G-Ammo: opens the grenade ammunition menu to choose grenade ammunition types from.
Options: opens the options menu to change basic settings and perform operations from.
Attachment: opens the attachment menu to add and remove parts.
Variables: opens the variables menu which will have a selection of sub menus for editing variables that effect performance.
Detach: detaches the weapon for you.
Sling: slings the weapon, will need to press the 'H' key or type the command "draw" to draw it again.
Help: gives this card.

***Rifle Ammunition Menu***

Tracer-3.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized high visibility damage round. You may also use the command "tracer".
Damage-3.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized normal visibility damage round. You may also use the command "damage".
~Training-3.00x0.10: selects a 3.00 by 0.10 sized 1 damage training round. You may also use the command "~training".
Ammo FX: turns ammo special effects on and off (keep off in lag).

***Grenade Ammunition Menu***

HE Grenade: selects a high explosive grenade effective in high lag with a 5 meter kill radius and does around 50 damage to vehicles.
FB Grenade: selects a flash bang grenade that will blind people with in a 5 meter radius.
Gas Grenade: selects a slowly killing gas grenade with a radius of 10 meters.
Incendiary Grenade: selects a very fast killing burning grenade with a radius of 5 meters.
~Sticky Grenade: selects a high explosive remote detonated grenade that follows the stuck target, has a 5 meter kill radius and does around 50 damage to vehicles, it is detonated by double tapping the 'F' key.
Det Method: changes grenade types between impact detonated and time detonated.

***Options Menu***

Touch Menu: enables and disables the guns menu on touch.
Fx: disables and enables the weapons special effects (keep off in lag).
AO: disables and enables the guns animation overrider.
RTFS: changes if the AO "reverts to first stand" in the list each time if you stop moving and go in to the stand state each time or cycles though them with out reverting to the first each time.
Report Collisions: disables and enables if the weapon reports collisions.
RSCR: disables and enables if the weapon "repeats same collisions reports".
Load NC: loads the AO's note card.
Reset: resets the weapon.
Bullet Spray: changes the spray method the bullets have when fired between box and cone spray types.
Bullet Rez: changes the rez method the bullets have when fired between avatar position and camera position types.
Sight: opens the sights menu.

***Attachment Menu***

Light: turns the light on and off.
ExtMag: changes between normal 60x mag type and extended 120x mag type with corresponding reload times 2.5 and 5.0 seconds.
Strap: removes and adds the sling strap on both slung and drawn weapon.

***Variables Menu***

R Vel: opens the rifle velocity menu.
R Offset: opens the rifle offset menu.
R Spray: opens the rifle spray menu.
S ROF: opens the rifle rate of fire menu.
G Vel: opens the grenade velocity menu.
Timer: opens the grenade detonation timer menu.
Alt Chan: opens the alternative channel menu.
STT: opens the stand transitions time menu.

***Sight HUD Menu***

Color Inverse: inverses the detected allied and enemy colors.
Wide Sensor: changes the detection sensor between a narrow or wide cone.
Sensor on: disables and enables the detection sensor (keep off in lag).

***Gestures And Controls****

If the gestures are set as 'active' you may press (NOT type in the chat bar) the following keys, or type the commands to perform actions.

M - enters mouse look so you can aim and shoot, then hold or tap the left mouse button depending on the fire mode to fire the gun.
2 - Roll: makes your avatar jump in to a roll of maximum distance 10 meters, the roll goes in the direction your moving not aiming, the roll has a 3 second cool down.
O - Menu: opens the main menu.
G - F: changes fire mode between semi-auto, 3-shot burst, and full auto.
Q - Melee: melee attacks anyone within 4 meters.
H - Holster: draws and holsters the weapon.
R - Reload, R: reloads your weapon, reload time varies on mag size.
F - Grenade: fires the grenade launcher, reloads automatically taking 5 seconds and you can continue to shoot the rifle during this time, you must be in mouse look to fire.
X - Prone: goes in to effective prone, you press the 'X' key go out of mouse look and click on the red prim, to exit you press 'X' again, effective prone will not let you move

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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awsome gun ,shame about the anims
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 27, 2016 by Jonessss

This is fantastic gun , the fire rate accuracy, the way you customise the way it shoots is all spot on ,if your into SL combat this gun is very cool for blowing away the opposition which is why it makes is so sad that such a crap AO has been added :( really its just awful , even if it had the option to turn of particular anims and keep some it would be something you could work with , for instance keep the aim anim and the hold anim and turn off the walk and run anims. the run and walk just make you look like your running around constipated,really its a shame cos it really is an awsome gun , but beside the anims are sop bad im still going to give it 4 stars cos its such cool gun to shoot ..

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 15, 2014 by ninminion

F@(*ing awesome gun Best I have bought yet

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Great Product!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 28, 2013 by Ford Twist

I am very impressed with this gun, one of the best in my mini arsenal.

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This is the, by far, the best Rifle i have ever used
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 04, 2012 by KyuubiNinetails

I love this rifle to death, it is my go to gun, no issues with it, no lag, just an overall great gun, you wouldn't get a better rifle for more L$. This should be the one and only in my opinion. I love this gun. Keep up the great work.

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A little pricey...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 13, 2012 by Fauqs

But it's the best assualt rifle I've ever used on SL, if the rifle had a resize function, it would be absolutely PERFECT for anyone to use.

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Awesome Gun (Question about updating it though)
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 26, 2011 by Markusblade453

Greatest gun I've ever bought in SL. I love the options as well as its looks. I do have a question about updating it though. How can i go about updating it inworld since I bought it here on the marketplace?

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