Fits Signature and aesthetic body, along with most other mesh bodies with some basic resizing.
After clicking on an item you are presented with a resize menu. Simply select an amount to adjust by and once you are done you can remove the script by the remove script button.
Type /133 followed by one of the commands below:
sound off (turns walking/running sounds off)
sound on (turns walking/running sounds on)
w:#.## (#.## represents a decimal number eg 0.04, this command will set the walking sound volume to the decimal number, rating from 0.00 to 1.00)
r:#.## (#.## represents a decimal number eg 0.04, this command will set the running sound volume to the decimal number, rating from 0.00 to 1.00)
***Additional Notes***
Please use one of the three alpha clothing provided to hide your avatars default shins and feet, if you have other alpha clothing on make sure you right click one of the hide shins clothing from inventory and select Add instead of Wear.
Please note the alpha clothing WILL ONLY hide default avatar legs, if you have a rigged mesh avatar make sure the shins and feet are detachable before trying this with it.
This product is modify so you can adjust it how you like, it is also a non rigged mesh so you may have full control over its size position and modification.
A temporary efficient single resize script is included in each attachment to make resizing easier and more uniform.
This product comes with basic subtle sound effects you can turn it on and off or adjust volume as you desire. The command channel for the right shin that holds the sound script is 133.
This product comes with a black carbon fiber panel look and white plastic panel look, and 3 variants for each texture set, Digi set, Mix set and Planti set. Digi is backward bent with paws for furries and nekos, Mix is backward bent with hove like feet, Digi is a straight human like leg with normal feet.
Each individual component is a separate link so you can delete move re-color or re-texture the smallest components.
Please contact Dingo Nikolaidis if you have any issues, this item has no update range.
- Normal maps
- Mesh
- Materials
- High detail
I like
Very nice cyber legs. would have given 5 stars if a helper script for coloring was added. the paws and shins have a crazy issue when the avi uses AO but despite this I use them a lot.
these are awesomely designed but unforchenity don't have good rigging for someone who has an AO that bends there knee a lot and any movement of the foot makes pieces line up
(sorry for spelling XD)
Looks good and all but
Apparently the item decided to randomly automatically delete a resizer script on me for some stupid reason and completely messed up the sizing I'd done to match my AV. That's a pretty stupid feature to have especially if it's going to reset the size.
Works with KEMONO AVI!
I use these on Kemono Avatar, Just remember to use Alpha hud with kemono body in "ADVANCED" mode and move the legs down to make them fit perfectly, LOVE Them i can recolor any part! Great job, Would love to see a rigged mesh for Kemono
Fairly good looking, but expensive, and hard to work with.
So I just got these, and they are awesome looking.. but require a bit of a effort to make work. That's because while these are mesh objects with materials enabled, they are still static mesh. Its good if you want to spend time custom fitting a object to your AV.. but bad, if you like to be able to throw a part on your AV and expect it to fit. If your part of the Kemono crowd stay away... this will drive you nuts making it work.
Aside from that, they really are nicely crafted... Most of the time you will barely notice they are not rigged, and if you did notice, then you know this is not the kind of construction that lends itself well to rigged mesh.. all the sharp little details left open to see on this leg would get pulled around like a rubber molded casting if this had been a rigged object.. so going with a static mesh for this object was the right call.
You also get a lot from this kit, 3 different kinds of legs in two materials, both of which is very easy to customize, and all of which has a realistic look about it that simply exists. This is a very skilled artist. working here.
My biggest problem is the price.. this leg probably did take a lot more work to make look right then most legs, and you do get 3 sets in one box.. but even then you're paying almost 300 per set, and you very likely will by buying it just for one set of the legs. add to this you' just getting a alternative set of textures for customization, and it gets to be a very expensive investment for a part of your AV. I really wish the maker broken the set into three and let me just buy A, B, or C set..
One last thing that really needs to be done... would be to include a copy of the textures for for the leg parts. I had a hell of a time fitting the carbon fiber legs to my AV and now realize I wanted to use the white one.. it be nice if I could just throw the textures of the white leg to the carbon fiber one now that I put in place how I want it..