G General

[:AT:] Bench Version 1.0

[:AT:] Bench

Science Fiction styled metallic bench with plastic seat padding, designed for public places, parks, subway stations, etc.
It has normal maps and specular maps, Advanced Lighting Model is required to see these effects

Click and hold the bench for about half a second for the texture changer dialog
17 different colors to pick from!
You can use the white and color tint it with face select mode, if you desire a custom color shade

There are three different sit spots you can sit on, turn on alpha highlighting in your viewer if you wish to see them.
Sit on a spot, and click the spot below you to pick a position
Use the command /1a to enable or disable adjusting your position with movement keys.
The adjustment is temporary and only lasts until you change positions or stand up.

  • Materials Enabled
  • Customizable with 17 presets
  • 11 sit animations
  • Retintable