[:AT:] Universal Door Quad Version 1.0
Rez the door, put it in where you want it, texture the wall faces how you like
Click the door opener button to open door
You can recolor the top and bottom white steel plates with SL's color editing tools in face select mode.
You can also put a transparent decal texture on the decal slot in the front of the door, above the indicator lights. (Recommended to use masked alpha)
--Advanced Customizing--
If you resized the door, you need to change the pane distances, so it knows how far it has to open out to, read bellow in Config Notecard section how, You also MUST RESET SCRIPTS in the door, so it re-records the panes home position (closed state)
DO NOT reset scripts while the door is open or in motion!
Door is linkable, however do not link two doors together, or else they will confuse the door panes between each!
Door can work by various API handles too, for compatibility with any custom script you desire!
|--Config Notecard--|
The script will ignore the contents of this notecard.
The script reads the NAME of this notecard by the following format:
autoclosetime defines how long the door is open before it closes on its own
distanceside defines by how much the side panes of the door move when opened or closed
distancetop defines by how much the top panes of the door move when opened or closed
movetime defines how fast the door opens (in seconds)
apichannel defines what link message number it will accept (advanced users)
Example default: config,60.0,5.5,4.3,2100
The moment you change the name the door will update to the new values
Note: Different kind of doors may handle the two distance values differently
Like for example a double pane door would use distancetop as side, and distanceside as the other side!
or a single pane door might totally ignore the second value (distancetop)
|--Door API (advanced users)--|
Door API functions by link messages, where the integer number field of link message must correspond to configured API channel (default 2100)
the string message field must correspond to one of these commands:
"doorcycle" - Cycles the door to the next state, perfectly equivalent to pressing the button on the door
"opendoor" - Opens the door if not already open (IGNORES LOCK)
"closedoor" - Closes the door if not already closed (IGNORES LOCK)
"lockdoor" - Locks the door (sets description to LOCKED
"unlockdoor" - Unlocks the door (sets description to UNLOCKED)
"disablecontrol" - Disables the button touch control (useful if you have something else to handle door openings, like automatic door or a keypad)
"enablecontrol" - Enables the button touch control
example API: llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT,2100,"doorcycle",NULL_KEY); //cycle the door
The door sends two API back
When the door is opened, it sends the message "dooropened" on API channel
WHen the door is closed, it sends the message "doorclosed" on API channel
|--The potential--|
You can work your own scripted systems with the door, just by simply putting your script into the contents of the door and operating it with API handles, you can create your own locking/unlocking mechanism that only your imagination and scripting knowledge can put limits to!
|--Putting script into your own door--|
The script can indeed operate in any custom door you desire as long as following criteria is met:
There must be a door frame as base prim
There must be a prim called "ctrl" as this is your control button you touch to open (it should reach over to both sides of the frame)
There must be sufficient door prims based on what kind of door script it is (single, double, triple)
Single expects a "door1"
Double expects "door1", "door2"
Triple expects "Door.L", "Door.R, "Door.T"
Quad expects "door1", "door2", "door3", "door4"
In the Quad set you can't change the opening behavior, so your door must have similar setup of panes
You can add your custom sounds to the door by setting the description of the "door1" prim (on any door except triplane) to the following format: soundopenuuid,soundcloseuuid
You have to reset the script to apply the new sounds
expected orientation of door panes as X sideways, Y forward, Z upward
DISCLAIMER! This package only contains the Quad door scripts in a vertically opening configuration, do not expect it to work with triple, double and single
See item in Second Life- Materials Enabled
- Easily Modified
- Retexturable Frame to fit any building
- Model your own!
Works very well!
It is low land impact, works reliably and looks nice. When you stretch the size you have to reset scripts and it works fine.