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*AUD* Crystal Bonsai Garden - c/m - 23p 13li Version 2024.1

*AUD* Crystal Bonsai Garden - c/m - 23p 13li

LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

*AUD* Crystal Bonsai Garden - 23p 13li


1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard


You can re-size the whole object linkset together as it is.

Making the object smaller will NOT lower the land impact-- I tested it, really, you can get very small/tiny and it's still 13 land impact.

You can make the object larger up to a little over 3 meters tall (8.6 meters wide/long and 2.9 meters deep/thick) and it's still 13 land impact, but any bigger/taller and the land impact starts rising.

If you want to reduce the land impact, you must unlink some of the pieces and remove them.

The ground texture has bump and shine go with the cyrstal bonsai garden!

While ALL PIECES ARE TINTABLE, the ones that will show the color the best are the trees and the wispy crystal fungus under the arched mossy crystal log piece.

All linked objects are 100% mesh except the root prim base (with the purple edge) which is a basic prim.

While making a space ship with a little grow-room, I wanted it to have very alien-like elements to it, and one of the first things I imagined to include was this Crystal Bonsai Garden.

Crystal Bonsai Garden is imagined to be from an alien place called Awezune'giilee, aka Awez (playground in planning) and kept on board the ship for various reasons. xD What you imagine its kept for and where it came from is totally up to you!

NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 81 L$'s for each one sold.

Crystals, Bonsai, Tree, Tintable, garden, decor, scifi, fantasy, Sci-Fi, materials, bump, shine, magic, space, lab, biological, mushroom, mycelium, crystalized, SSCRPG, PEF

See item in Second Life