LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 - *AUD* Solo fishing spot - c/m - 6p 4li
1 - *AUD* Solo Fish Spot Drying Fish Line CHANGE HUD
1 GROUP OBJECT - *AUD* Tropical Fish Cluster for Solo Fishing Spot (7 land impact if using the whole group)
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
All pieces are 100% mesh except the root prim which holds the animations.
The above means if you want to remove the Fish Bringer totem rock, you can. Just be sure to use the "edit" and "edit linked" to UNLINK the rock from the rest of it.
The "Stand" animation in the menu is to make sure if you're using it on a ledge like intended, you can hop off and not fall right into the water. This means it's best to click the "Stand" animation before standing from the fishing spot to walk away.
No, the fishing pole doesn't actually have a line, it's just for show, There's no actual fishing happening, just the look of it for RP purposes.
Fishing left hand dominate
Fishing right hand dominate
Sit n look listen
Sit n awe at hands
sit n ponder
sit n squirm
sit n swing legs
The "*AUD* Tropical Fish Cluster for Solo Fishing Spot" is a group of rotating mesh planes with images of either the blue or yellow fish circling the mesh to give the appearance of swimming fish. They are not linked (except 1 set of 2 planes) so that you may more easily decide to keep them all or delete the ones you don't want in the waters.
For easy moving of the group object, remember to be in edit-mode on another object BEFORE you rez the Fish Cluster group object.
If using ALL the grouped Fish Cluster & the Fishing Spot as it came, the total land impact will be 11. The Fishing spot is 4 land impact itself, and the group of fish is 7 if you use all the fish.
Working on our Nexus Crossing Beach Lagoon, it needed a fishing spot, or rather I wanted it to have one. For the RPing of fishing and living a local life in a place where "magic" may be real enough.
The Bringer of Fish glowing rock totem was included for this reason, to be used in the RP story as a focal point of fishing energy that brings the fish and keeps the spot plentiful.
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of about 108 L$'s for each one sold.
roleplay, fishing, fish, spot, hang, sit, mediate, stand, magic, medieval, fantasy, solo, props, animated, tropical, amazon, jungle, SSCRPG, PEF
See item in Second LifeI should have thought of this!
Since I didn't, I bought yours for my Amazon-adjacent RP. I love that it is modifiable, including the AVsitter components so I can add my own animations. I also love that there is a HUD to change what fish are on the line so it can change from day to day in RP, and with trading. This is a really great idea and I thank you for keeping it affordable!