♦♦ Tired of clicking your wings to get to your bow?
Now your wings ARE your bow !!
♦♦ UNIQUE winged bow !!! Wings stay on your back when bow drawn.
♦ Spellfire/Ω/Falcon/DCS compat.
♦ Approved for use by United Warriors, Great Alliance, & other realms.
♦ 4 BOWS IN ONE : SF Longbow, SF Shortbow, SF Screamer, DCS compatible.
♦ UNITY Battle Scripted for Spellfire/Omega/Falcon/DCS (UNITY created/licensed by Warwick Falconer)
♦ Prims - Bow/13, Quiver/25, Scripts/3 -- Longbow, Shortbow, Screamer, DCS
♦ Unlimited arrows option, DCS/SF fire from horseback
♦ Retains settings, easy menu controlled
♦ New HiViz arrow option in DCS or SF mode (high visibility)
♦ Multi Weapon & bow Fkey gestures included
♦♦ Beautiful graceful delicate lightweight wings on a bow with etched ice white and pale blue, and ornate scrollwork. !! (Elysium means "heaven")
- UNITY Battle Scripted for Spellfire/Omega/Falcon/DCS
- Prims - Bow/13, Quiver/25, Scripts/3 -- Longbow, Shortbow, Screamer, DCS
- Retains settings, easy menu controlled
- Unlimited arrows option, DCS/SF fire from horseback
- New HiViz arrow option (high visibility)