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AVA - tech House "NightFlys" V. 2.0 (boxed)

AVA - tech House "NightFlys" V. 2.0 (boxed)

Ava - Tech House "NightFlys" custom info

(because it´s no mesh)

This is a classical oldtown House build out of not evan 99 Prims.
I could reduce it or convert it to mesh, but this is a sold out, and its also in a stat of "work in progress",. U can use it as a Dummy false front, as a facade, or kinda ruin, or build in or a little café or bar. i never close the backside ( just to have an open view to the shopsinside)

The Packadge gots two Versions in it , one with 90º Degree Streetcorner and one with 110º Degree Streetcorner
Both are Linkksets, because there are the sculptied spiralstairs and if you want to move the build if it is allready rezzed, make sure you select the the stairs too because its not in a rezzer or got any tool in it to move. . also if you want to build in your own stairs, take care of the invisible prim what is the physiks of the stairs
its a build build for builders, who want to work on it, or mod it or you can dismantle and tear apart just some pieces

If you´ve got troubles, just give me a call, or IM me

Have fun so far....
Acer Amaterasu

See item in Second Life
  • Sellout
  • plus extra parts sidewalk