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AZ Central Park Light Set v2.0

AZ Central Park Light Set v2.0

Version 2.0 now includes all new mesh & textures to improve LOD and display/render weight.

The Central Park range of designs were inspired by the vintage charm of New York's Central Park. This set will add that ambient soft light & glow bringing vintage charm to any landscape. Like all of the new mesh designs it is fully modifiable as you can colour or retexture the mesh to your requirements.

I hope you enjoy this simple new design and that it adds to your beautiful landscape design.

+ INCLUDED IN THIS SET+ (builds are modify/copy, scripts are copy only)
AZ CP Lighting Set - (3 li) sample set of the 4 types of lighting mesh attached to 1 control box with lighting script

AZ CP Lamp Post Full - (0.7 li) single mesh inc 2 material faces 3.5m high
AZ CP Lamp Post Mid - (0.5 li) single mesh inc 2 material faces 2.5m high
AZ CP Lamp Top - (0.5 li) single mesh inc 2 material faces 0.8m high
AZ Edison Light Strand - (0.5 li) single mesh inc 4 material faces 5.7m wide

These designs have been created to use the same set of textures in multiple ways to reduce display/render load for users.
These mesh designs include advanced materials where optimal.

After rezzing any of the four light types, place them as required and link them to the control box. This script will minimise the land impact of all your lighting and it will optimise the script lag. The only limits are SL restrictions for linksets no more than 256 items in one set and no further than 54m dia from the control box (root prim).

Now simply click anywhere on any of the lights for the following menu:

Group & Public menu - lights-OFF | lights-ON| lights-AUTO
Owner Menu also inc - owner | group | public

lights-OFF : turns all lights off
lights-ON : turns all lights on
lights-AUTO : lights will now respond to the SL default day cycle

MENU ACCESS - when rezzed menu access defaults to owner only, to allow members of a group to access the menu simply click and edit item and check that you have your required group set in the "build" window. Then click on item choose group. If you would like anyone to change the lighting simply click "public" in the menu. Only the owner can change the this access.

I would suggest opening the "build" menu prior to rezzing anything as this allows for easy initial placement. Please note the controller box that I suggest you move under the ground, must always be the last item to be linked (root prim) as it is the parent that controls all the other items.

** Each control box works on it's own distinct channel.

All new mesh designs are:
*100% Original Mesh
*Materials enabled & included where optimal
*Modify / Copy / NO TRANSFER
*Optimised scripts


PRIM / LI - when all items are linked together or to the controller prims li number will reduce due to prim accounting methods.

RESIZING - mesh the results can be somewhat varied (very high counts can suddenly occur) so please use caution.

PHYSICS - where appropriate each build has a custom physics shape built in, therefore they should be kept as prim or none, not convex hull (under physics shape features in the build menu).

MATERIALS - are added in builds where they add value. If you do not like how they look or aren't able to turn the advanced materials settings on due to pc constraints then feel free to remove them from the texture tab in the build window "bumpiness" "shininess".

Aarcher Zenovka
AZ Emporium & AZ Camping Central

  • one menu controls all including auto day & night option
  • advanced materials in use
  • 3 lamp sizes & 1 lighting strand