The AZ Cottage Parts range has been released to allow you to add modifications to any one of the AZ Cottage designs or buy the AZ Complete Parts Set to create your own cottage or village from scratch. All original mesh designs are created with custom physics so you can rez and move inside your house without issue. All parts of the mesh house have been designed in a "modular format" to allow for easy modification and redesign of your house. Texture menu options can be used as is or mixed and matched, as well as "paint" or tinted for a completely unique look. Additional building parts can be purchased separately or a Complete Cottage Building Set can be purchased inworld.
AZ Complete Fireplace is based on my very popular mesh campfire design. It includes the interactive fire menu with flickering lights, smoke and sparks as well as brick & stone texture choices for the chimney and three wood choices for mantle. Also included is the option for some snow on the top during winter.
♦ INCLUDED IN THIS SET♦ (builds are modify/copy, scripts are copy only)
AZ Complete Fireplace - ( 4 li) linked set of 5 original mesh parts (for full cottage builds that will link to a AZ Cottage Control box):
=> AZ Cabin Fireplace - ( 0.8 li) 4 materials
=> AZ Fireplace Base - ( 0.4 li) 1 material
=> AZ Fireplace Stack - ( 0.5 li) 2 materials
=> AZ Fireplace Topsmoke - ( 0.5 li) 2 materials
=> AZ Fireplace Woodfire - ( 0.5 li) 1 material
*if linking this fireplace to a AZ Cottage Control (cottage design) please ensure the fireplace control prim is unlinked. This build includes a sound script in the wood mesh, allowing for it to be placed anywhere in a build when the control script is located further away.
AZ Cabin Fireplace - ( 3 li) this version can be used alone in any build
**the control script is in the mantle design, allowing for full fireplace and partial internal mantle/wood only uses.
***(li) land impact listed is based on the highest number from build menu "more info", WEIGHTS OF SELECTED (Download, Physics, Server) often times the server size default per mesh is 0.5 and may be the highest number (based on my modular designs). The linked set build may be lower as all weight categories are combined and again the highest number creates the set land impact.
Simply touch the fireplace mantle to access the control & design options:
main = build | light fire | fire out | clean | small fire | options | heavy snow | clear SEASON | admin
options = white | vintage | charcoal | white dec | vintage dec | charcoal dec | stone stack | org brick | marble | honey wood | dark wood | aged wood
It includes the interactive fire menu with flickering lights, smoke and sparks as well as brick & stone texture choices for the chimney and three wood choices for mantle. Also included is the option for some snow on the top during winter (activated by seasonal menu options).
*Please note when "light fire" is chosen this activates a script process small fire building to full fire (the fireplace will not respond during this 30 sec process)
**To add realism the "light fire" option also will go out if there are no avatars nearby after 15 mins
***Fireplace lighting is best seen with ALM on in viewer graphic preferences
Each home can vary with the height of it's roof, so I created this multi part fireplace to allow the user to modify the height of the chimney for their home of choice. Simply place fireplace where you want it internally, then use the build menu > tick edit linked, choose the Fireplace Stack mesh and resize or unlink>copy>place one on top of other to increase height> then relink.
To use internally without chimney or base use the build menu > tick edit linked, then shift+click on the base,stack and top and click unlink. Once they are unlinked delete those items. The AZ Cabin Fireplace is left linked with wood mesh and script. This fireplace can then be used internally anywhere without concern for a large chimney.
*AZ Complete Cottage Building set (including all cottage parts sets & a sample Farm Cottage design at a discounted bulk buy price) is exclusively available INWORLD only, visit our Main store to demo cottages and view the inbuilt seasons/colours and interactive options.
*10% discount available on purchases inworld
May this cosy fireplace bring warmth to any place you call home.
See item in Second Life- Modular fireplace with flickering light, sparks, smoke
- Fire control options menu
- Texture choices for chimney and mantle
- Create full fireplace and chimney or internal mantle only
- Interactive fire options that reduce and go out over time