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AZ The Grove

AZ The Grove
AZ The Grove
0 Reviews

The AZ The Grove is a sweet little landscape set including the new lit trees & country fence. Within this set you get all lit tree & shrub designs, grass hill, straight path and complete country fence set, that all respond to the 8 season menu and additional new animation/texture options. The design has been carefully crafted to ensure the most optimal mesh/textures/scripts to hopefully keep the build as low lag as possible and still look lovely. This item is built to link into the AZ Complete Environment set but can also be used in any landscape.

I hope you enjoy this new design and that it adds to your beautiful landscape.

+ INCLUDED IN THIS SET+ (builds are modify/copy, scripts are copy only)
AZ The Grove Set - (25 li) 37 landscape mesh designs inc control box (the whole set size 14 m x 18 m x 10m)
- AZ Large Tree A & B - (1.4 li ea) 4 x single mesh tree 3 material faces inc lighting
- AZ Straight Tree A & B - (0.8 li ea) 4 x single mesh tree 3 material faces inc lighting
- AZ Trees A & B - ( 1.3 li ea) 2 x single mesh 3 tree group 3 material faces inc lighting
- AZ Shrubs (lit) - (0.6 li ea) 4 x single mesh 3 shrubs 4 material faces inc lighting
- AZ Hill - (0.8 li ea) 4 x single mesh 3 material faces inc 2 grass material faces

- AZ Path Straight - (0.8 li ea) single mesh 2 material faces
- AZ SQ Ground - (0.5 li) 2 x single mesh 1 material face
- AZ Old Fence - (0.5 li ea) 10 x single mesh 3 material faces
- AZ Old Gate L & R - (0.8 li ea) 4 x single mesh 4 material face
- AZ Old Gate Arch - (0.5 li ea) 2 x single mesh 3 material face

These designs have been created to use the same set of textures in multiple ways to reduce display/render load for users.
These mesh designs include advanced materials where optimal.

Once you have the grove, you simply click anywhere on the item for the following menu:

Season Controls - spring | summer | late summer | autumn | autumn blaze | late autumn | early winter | winter
Plants Control - Tall Hill | Short Hill
Tall Hill Controls - Whit Wild | Pink Wild | Yel Wild | Red Wild | Green Wild | Grass Wild | Autumn Wild | Winter Wild | INVISwild
Short Hill Controls - Springgrass | Autgrass | Wintergrass | YelWhite | PnkBlue | PnkWhite | RedYellow | INVISshort
Ground Controls - spring G| summer G| late summer G| autumn G| autumn blaze G| late autumn G| early winter G| winter G
Path Controls - Sumr Path1| Sumr Path2 | Aut Path1 | Aut Path2 | Blaze Path1 | Blaze Path2 | Wintr Path1 | Wintr Path2
Lights - Lrg Warm | Lrg Cool | Lrg OFF | Sml Warm | Sml Cool | Sml OFF | Shrub Warm | Shrub Cool | Shrub OFF | Auto ON | Auto OFF
SFX - particle-OFF | nature-ON | nature-OFF | nature-AUTO
Animate - Lrg Tree | Sml Tree | Shrub | Strong Wind | STOP ALL
Admin Menu - owner | group | public

SEASONS - The ground texture has eight separate season textures. The fence textures have four season changes, summer fence, autumn fence, early winter and winter. Please note there may be a few seconds lag on some textures when changing seasons as the script was written only to change the texture and not dimensions (this means when you resize and set the textures for your build the seasons menu will not reset the size back to a default size). This script choice includes a default 2 sec sleep but I believe that is acceptable in order to give the owner better modify control.

LIGHTS - Your set includes basic trees and trees with lights. You can mix and match the trees in your landscape as desired. Trees with lights will have a higher land impact and display weight, and can be identified in the build menu description "inc lights". The menu option allows you to have the lights be warm white or cool white and to turn the lighting off (sets the light face off). If you wish the trees lighting to turn on with the sun going down simple turn Auto ON. Please note to make the lights appear to twinkle turn the leaf animation on for the tree.

SFX - This option allows you to turn off leaf particles emitted by the Large Trees during autumn/autumn blaze if not required. The nature options apply if you have purchased and are using the AZ Emporium butterfly/firefly or birds designs.

ANIMATE - The trees can have a subtle leaf animation turned on. Please note that animated textures will increase the display/render load of the item.

GROUND - Allows you to choose the ground texture displayed across all path meshes.

PATH - Gives you options to change the pathways and clearings with 8 different variations of textures.

I hope this design adds a hint of country whimsy to your virtual world.

>>>Please note all our Marketplace pricing has been increased to compensate for fee increases in 2019. Inworld purchases remain at our standard prices.

  • Selection of optimised mesh landscape & tree designs
  • menu options for seasons, lighting, tree animation
  • working fence gates

L$ 1,099

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AZ Emporium
AZ Emporium
Sold by: Aarcher Zenovka

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 25