G General

[A]arti FP: Building #6

[A]arti FP: Building #6

Full perm Building Facade and textures are ready to use in your creations.

The larger or more complex a mesh is, the higher land impact (LI) it will have. When you stretch a mesh item, the LI will increase.

⮞This product is 11LI/each

⮞ Full Perm Mesh
⮞ Materials:
★ Diffuse maps
★ Normal maps
★ Specular maps


☑️ You can:
- Include this product or parts of it as they are in your own creations;
- Modify this product in a significant manner (e.g. new textures, scripts...) and sell your derivative work.

⚠️You cannot ⚠️:
- Redistribute/resell this product or part of it as it is or with no significant changes;
- Include our products in a pack and resell them/give them as part of a bundle.
- Redistribute/resell this product or parts of it with full permissions, they must be No Copy or No Transfer (Modify is up to you)