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Absolut Vendetta -@Munday Chinese DRESS*FAT PACK

Absolut Vendetta -@Munday Chinese DRESS*FAT PACK

¡¡¡Please try the demo before purchase!!!

Versions for:
- BELLEZA (Venus, Isis, Freya)
- SLINK (Physique, Hourglass)


In the FAT PACK you can choose the colours for dress, edge and brooch until 20 different colours. The one colour version you can change the colours of edge and brooch until 20 different colours, it's cannot choose dress colour for one colour version.

This product bring auto-hide for Maitreya and Belleza bodies, but for Slink Bodies you will need configure Alpha in the HUD


- What's fitted mesh?

Fitted mesh is made so the mesh outfit you are wearing will adjust to your avatar movements.
To be able to view mesh, you are going to need a fitted mesh enabled viewer.


- ¡¡¡PLEASE!!!-

- There is no alpha need, but if this is not your case, use the alpha system of your body for hide body parts.

- If you got any issue, please instead of write a bad review, send notecard to Vista Mesh, I will respond as quickly I can, but please wait 24 h. I try always to solve the problem.

- For Redelivery, go to redelivery terminals in store or notecard to VistaMesh.

- UPGRADE TERMINAL: In our shop we have an upgrade terminal. If you already have one of our clothes, you can have a 50% discount to the same cloth in other body,Not all the items are available to all the bodies.

- Try the demo before you purchase, because we will not refund or exchange.

- Contact Vistamesh for any sugestion or question.
