G General

AdminBot Professional (LSL Library for SL groups: group inviter, chat listener, group notices from LSL script) Version 2.0

AdminBot Professional (LSL Library for SL groups: group inviter, chat listener, group notices from LSL script)

AdminBot is the LSL library developed to utilize all Second Life group possibilities.

As you may know, you can't send direct group invitations and group notices from LSL script, you need a bot.

With AdminBot you can:
* Send group invitations
* Send and receive group chat messages
* Send group notices


Version 2.0:
* SB_ADJUST_GROUP_ROLE, SB_GET_GROUP_ROLES commands to work with group roles
* SB_COMMAND_COMPLETED event to catch command completion
* server communications are now secure

Version 1.91:
* fixed a minor problem with SB_STATUS_REPLY command

Version 1.9:
* SB_AVATAR_GROUP command to check if resident is a member of specific group (by name or UUID)

Version 1.8:
* SB_NOTICE_SEND command now supports notices with attachments

The previous updates are listed here: https://www.mysmartbots.com/dev/docs/AdminBot_for_LSL/Documentation/Changelog


AdminBot is the bridge between your LSL scripts and Second Life bots. You use the most of SL group advantages:
- send invites and notices,
- listen and talk over the group chat,
- eject spammers from the group!

This open the amazing possibilities for your devices: create antispam filters, content controllers, Hippobox and Hipporent plugins... and sell them!

AdminBot is copy+mod which means that you can incude AdminBot to the devices you sell.


AdminBot library is free to use. However, you need a SL bot from SmartBots (http://www.smartbots2life.com) to complete your commands. SmartBots subscription prices start from L$79 per week.

You get the FREE 1 month subscription when you buy this package (can be prolonged for free on request).

The service costs L$79 per week for your customers. Each customer receives 1 free week, too.


Yes, you can utilize AdminBot for your own purposes. This will cost the usual SmartBots subscription.


Yes. We will pay you 30% of your customer's payments (login to your SmartBots account for details).

Also you can put our terminal on your land, and get 5% from all payments.


We have a comprehensive documentation on AdminBot located at

The usage examples are located at


If you need a live help, explanations or instructions, please contact Glaznah Gassner in-world. We would be glad to help you.

  • Direct Inviter script
  • Send group IMs and listen to group chat
  • Send notices
  • Eject members
  • Sell with your own devices
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This is a great interface for working with your SmartBot
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 30, 2022 by Xavier Whimsy

This library provides methods for interacting with your SmartBot. I've tested all of them, and used them in my personal greeter. Every method works great! And it's great to have such an easy interface.

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Beware of the SmartBots Company, they are thieves!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 31, 2022 by jrwild

I have been a user of the SmartBots systems and have spent TONS of money with them since 2012. They used to be a great company, cared about people. Now, not so much. The bots often go offline (I've seen it happen up to 20 times in one day) and their staff will lie to you about it. Even worse, the staffer was trying to SELL ME HIS OWN ADD-On when I contacted him for support.
I have always funded my wallet, so I didn't have to worry about my bot subscription expiring and losing the service. Well I recently lost my father in RL and ended up having health problems due to the grief and I had to resign from my job to overcome this grief. Now I'm struggling to find a job and money is tight. I asked for a wallet refund and was told by their customer support person that it doesn't abide by their (Unwritten) policy and they won't give me my money back.
I've asked in chat, and was told "I can't override my boss' decision".. I've asked nicely for help, we aren't talking a lot of money here, but they won't work with me. Won't even acknowledge me.. I've spent SOOO much money with SmartBots.
BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS COMPANY, if you need a bot, use them but do NOT use the Wallet feature. Linden Lab should put a stop to this practice of holding peoples money, it's wrong!
I hate to be the one to do this as up until this point I've had a great experience with SmartBots and have sent hundreds of people to them, but no more.


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Anything to make scripting easier!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 07, 2022 by Vienna James

Great documentation!

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just getting started
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 24, 2021 by TheRavisher

but love it easy to use great support

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Great product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 12, 2021 by Audri Pratchett

Thanks for all your services!

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Super Easy
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 01, 2020 by KingRealSin

This is super easy to use! Thanks Smartbots!

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